Lancet Digital Health publication: Diabeloop’s hybrid closed-loop system assessed in children with Type 1 diabetes
Significant improvements in time-in-range and reduction of hypoglycemia

The results of a clinical trial that included the hybrid closed-loop system developed by Diabeloop, led in prepubertal children living with T1D has been published in the Lancet Digital Health.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency and safety of closed-loop systems in children aged 6 to 12 years, living with Type 1 diabetes.
This randomized, controlled, cross-over, non-inferiority, two-session study has been led in the pediatric endocrinology departments of three University hospitals in France (Necker-Enfants Malades University Hospital, Paris; and University Hospital, Toulouse) and Belgium (UZ Leuven, Leuven) and supported by the Diabeloop consortium demonstrated:
→ Reductions in time spent in hypoglycemia
2.04% in closed-loop compared to 7.06% in open loop.
→ Significant improvements in time-in-range (70 -180 mg/dl)
66.2% in closed-loop compared to 58.7% in open loop.
As a result, the Diabeloop technology participates in optimal glycemic control and reduction of hypoglycemic episodes in real-life in prepubertal children with T1D.
Making our innovations accessible to the most of people is still a priority for Diabeloop.
On-going and/or planned studies might help us extend the indications of our solutions, once the required data will be available.